Yes, we do ship Worldwide!

After you place an order, the processing time is only 1 day. Typically, you will receive your eBook immediately, but there may be some minor cases where your ebook will be delivered a little later. Please wait a moment, we will take care of it right away

Yes, of course! All orders include tracking after the order is processed (only 1 day). Email: [email protected] with your order number if you are missing a tracking number and we will send you one at our soonest convenience. Please note that the order number is not your tracking number.

Our store currently accept Stripe and credit card payments!

If you provide us with a wrong address and the shipment has not been sent out please email us at [email protected] & we will change it to the correct address if it has been sent out, it is not our responsibility to re-send that item with your new address, so please make sure to type in your correct address when placing your orders!